Diabetes Symptoms to Watch For
>> Sunday, October 9, 2011
One of the most recognized indicators of diabetes is grogginess. Yes, fatigue is a symptom of a range of different issues.
Occasionally it could be a sign of a major illness. Other times it simply means that you need to get more sleep at night. When it is being caused by diabetes however, the fatigue is extreme. Someone having to battle this kind of sleepiness probably gets more than enough sleep at night and, even if they're not overly active, will often feel completely drained. This is the kind of sleepiness that is often associated with mononucleosis and can be just as much of a hindrance. Pay attention to your energy levels. If there is no explainable reason for you to be feeling so drained, contact your medical professional to have them run some tests. A bigger sign of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is that the body stops producing potassium in an accurate manner. The body's potassium gets out of control and this make a bunch of physical symptoms happen - such as dehydration, an altered state of mind and occasionally a coma can occur if the problem is not noticed in time. This wonked out potassium production is usually misdiagnosed at first which is why, if you are not feeling well you insist that your doctor be as thorough as possible in diagnosing you. You don't need the doctor to let you go with a prescription for antibiotics when the literal issue is diabetes!
Usually, a majority of cuts and scrapes, when medicated appropriates, will take hardly any time to recover. Most will seal up and start to heal within a week. Some disappear in that much time. Of course, when you have diabetes, even small wounds might not recover appropriately.
This is as a result of your body's ability to direct curing white blood cells and rebuild the skin is affected by the lower levels of sugar and insulin the in the blood. If you have observed that you've been having difficulty healing, in comparison to the past, you may need to talk to your medical professional. This is almost always a cue for a grievous problem.
How many times per day do you have to urinate? This is perhaps something you don't feel is appropriate to answer out loud. You should at least answer the question to yourself. While some may believe that is actually the excessive thirst diabetes sympmtom that makes the excessive urination occur, physicians insist that it is a symptom all on it's own. If you observe that you always find yourself having to use the bathroom--even if you aren't eating or drinking a ton--you should meet with your physician to have your potassium and bladder functions tested out. It is an very possible that when the medical professional takes the test, they may find diabetes. Diabetes symptoms are varied but they can be intense. The most pronounced indicators (the lack of insulin production) are complicated to discover without thorough medical testing. Various indicators are easily noticeable. At the same time, many of the obvious symptoms of diabetes are also obvious symptoms of other problems and disorders. It is essential for you to be aware of your body (and the bodies of your loved ones). You don't want your sickness to have the wrong diagnosis. Ask for a second opinion if you think your own doctor hasn't correctly diagnosed you or your kids.
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